Skills4Life Platform

Welcome to the Skills4Life online Learning Platform. This interactive Serious Game was created to provide a safe and positive learning environment for institutionalized young people  transitioning into their lives as independent adults.

Skills4Life Platform

Welcome to the Skills4Life online Learning Platform. This interactive Serious Game was created to provide a safe and positive learning environment for institutionalized young people transitioning into their lives as independent adults.

Game Topics

The following four game topics will address some of the most important skills of independent living. Choose the area you most need to improve in, or try to tackle them all – the choice is yours!

Personal and Social

In this topic you will explore self and social awareness, as well as techniques for self and social management.

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Autonomy and Daily Life

This topic addresses the fundamental routines and activities of day-to-day living.

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Labour Market and Professional Skills

In this topic you will explore the processes of finding a job and starting a business.

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Financial Literacy

The dual worlds of personal and business finances are discussed in detail in this topic.

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Project Results

In-Service Training Programme
Policy Paper

Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie. De hier geuite ideeën en meningen komen echter uitsluitend voor rekening van de auteur(s) en geven niet noodzakelijkerwijs die van de Europese Unie of het Europese Uitvoerende Agentschap onderwijs en cultuur (EACEA) weer. Noch de Europese Unie, noch het EACEA kan ervoor aansprakelijk worden gesteld.

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